What is Impulse Control Disorder?

            Impulse Control Disorders occur in late adolescence or early adulthood. Sometimes these are called behavioral addictions. This means that an individual has lost his/her control and has been involved in flood or uncontrollable actions. Impulse control disorders are a mental disorder characterized by having strong resistance problems by the individual to perform certain tasks. People suffering from this problem perform such tasks regularly and many times, regardless of negative consequences. They can do this to relieve pressure or feel pleasure. These reasons vary from person to person. Examples of some impulse disorders include the following conditions: kleptomania, intermittent explosive disorder, oppositional disorder, pyromania and trichotillomania. Symptoms are variable among all impulse control disorders. However, there are some similarities between them. These include obsessive and intense thoughts, extreme impatience, anxiety and inability to resist impulses before completing a challenge. These symptoms are thought to be extreme and ultimately a threat to themselves or others.

What is the Reason for Impulse Disorders?

            There is no single source that professionals accept for impulse control disorders. However, there may be environmental factors that contribute to the disorder. The limbic system responsible for memory and the frontal lobe, which helps people self-control and make decisions, are all about people with impulse control disorders. Environmental factors include childhood abuse, neglect, or dysfunctional environment in which the child grew up.

What are the Impulse Control Disorders?


            Kleptomania is the state of not being able to avoid stealing impulsively worthless objects. They cannot control their requests for stealing. They experience an explosion of adrenaline when they steal. A person struggling with this disorder does the stealing action regardless of any need or profit. It also ignores the negative consequences. This disorder affects people from many different age groups. It is not known what caused Kleptomania. However, people diagnosed with this disease have often been found to have other underlying mental health diagnoses such as bipolar disorder or depression. Some professionals also argue that this disorder is a subdivision of obsessive compulsive disorder. Because many people struggling with kleptomania define these impulses as unwanted intrusive thoughts. When a kleptoman steals an item, they report that they  often feel shame and regret. They often throw or give away items because they do not want or value the items they steal. Kleptomania treatment can be in a group or one-on-one environment. These people can use behavioral therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy to stop their destructive and impulsive behavior. Since the nature of the disease involves underlying problems, therapists first target efforts to resolve them. Theoretically, when the underlying mental problems are resolved, kleptomania can also be resolved or at least greatly reduced to the point he/she can resist.


Intermittent Explosive Disorder

            Intermittent explosive disorder is manifested by sudden, uncontrollable anger or temper tantrums without any reason. Some of these impulses may include physical or verbal assault, property damage, destructive behavior, or frequent seizures. The individual may physically harm people while experiencing these attacks. These attacks last about 30 minutes and appear suddenly. Then the person often feel regret or embarrassment after their actions.

            It is also known that alcohol or other substances that interfere with decision-making cause the symptoms of  this condition to worsen. Too much alcohol is an extreme trigger and should be avoided at all costs. This disease normally begins in late childhood or adolescence. It mostly affects men and is another example of an impulse control disorder that doesn't heal or go away on its own. In fact, it is known to be followed by other mental illnesses such as depression and severe anxiety. This is thought to be the result of consistent negative emotions brought about by the individual suffering from the disorder itself.

            In the treatment of Intermittent Explosive Disorder, behavioral modification techniques and psychotherapy have shown great success in preventing explosions. In addition, there may be a need to address underlying diseases such as depression or anxiety.


            Pyromania is an extremely rare impulse control disorder characterized by intentionally firing. The person who takes action feels uncomfortable until something ignites. Before starting fire, a person with pyromania feels an intense emotional desire with a huge fluctuation of anxiety or another emotional overload that forces them to perform this action. Pyromanics are strangely enchanted by fire. They can accumulate things related to fire burning, such as matches, special lighters or gas cans. Individuals with pyromania cannot control their actions. Since it gives a feeling of calmness and peace to the pyromanics, they cannot prevent themselves from burning fire repeatedly. Objectively, these individuals may seem strange. However, these actions make them feel better. Pyromania can be seen in individuals of all ages. It is more common in men than women. However, the number of women struggling with this problem is also quite high. Anyone can be pyromania. However, this ailment is dangerous and a person needs help with this condition. Pyromania can physically harm the person experiencing this condition or other people due to the fires they cause.

            In addition, many people with pyromania may have learning difficulties or lack of social skills. At the beginning of pyromania, many people do not directly cause large fires. This can start with fires on carpets or other home textile fabrics and gradually go to more serious things. Pyromanics do not light fire for monetary or social gain, political stance or revenge. The act of initiating fires is directly related to internal impulses. Since the nature of pyromania is very dangerous and has a high risk of death or injury, it is important to seek help immediately if you think that you or someone you know may be affected. This is a progressive ailment that does not resolve on its own and continues to get worse when it is often left untreated or ignored. It is also important for those struggling with pyromania to take a fire safety course. It is also considered that contacting families who are victims of a fire can have a positive effect on a person with pyromania.


            Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder that involves pulling hair. It often occurs in women, and this behavior usually involves pulling hair from the scalp, eyebrows and eyelids. There are no known causes of trichotillomania. However, it is thought that traumatic events in childhood may be a factor that initiates this. Typically, symptoms occur between the ages of nine and eleven and appear at the highest level around the age of thirteen. This discomfort can cause anxiety and feelings of shame, and the effect it has on the child can last a lifetime. Like other disorders, this problem starts with a strong urge to pull hair. Individuals experiencing this condition feel an increased tension before pulling their hair, and this tension disappears when their hair is pulled. Soon, many patients reported shame and regret as a result of the action. The resulting stress and tension can also cause negative side effects in their personal or professional lives. Trichotillomania is often grouped together with obsessive-compulsive disorder due to its compelling nature. It is known to be a disease that can reappear throughout a person's life if left untreated.

Oppositional Disorder

            The oppositional disorder is an impulsive control disorder. In children, this disorder is noticed as early as preschool. But sometimes it can be noticed later in life. A child or adolescent with this disorder exhibits downright argumentative  and resistive behavior against authority. They can be aggressive or violent towards adults. An individual with this disorder may have difficulties in social skills, family relationships and academic life.

Symptoms include:

·      Angry mood

·      Getting mad from anger

·      Irritability to others

·      Argumentative behavior

·      Revolt against authority

·      Blame others


            The symptoms of an oppositional disorder can range from mild to severe symptoms. If left untreated, it can turn into aggressive behaviors as adults. These people may have legal problems later.


Online Therapy for Impulse Control Disorders


            If you have impulse control disorder, you don't have to deal with it alone. There are many ways to help your condition, including a variety of therapies and, if necessary, drug therapy. If you are struggling with impulse disorder, counseling can help you. Online counseling is an excellent therapy method for people struggling with impulsivity-related disorders. Online consultants help you cope with your impulsive problems. You may be afraid to face your problems. But remember, the more you try, the better you will feel. There are many ways to manage impulse control issues, and a licensed therapist can help you understand why you are doing impulsive behavior. Thanks to therapy, you can discover strategies to stop hurting yourself. Thanks to 'Terapiya' you can find online therapists who can help you and get the help you deserve. Regardless of what you live, it is always possible to get the help you want. You can find someone who can help you in this process, especially online licensed therapists.
